A late PCOS diagnosis changed everything for Lauren - now baby #4 is on the way!
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Wondering and hoping every month isn’t exactly the most reliable strategy. So when I was diagnosed with PCOS while trying for our 3rd baby, I knew that I wanted to sort my ovulation once and for all. This is my story of how I used the Mira device to confirm ovulation and manage my stress while TTC.
Getting pregnant before Mira
I had always used the look and feel of my cervical mucus as a sign of ovulation. It had been a predictable method for me and I had used it to successfully get pregnant with my first two babies. But after baby #2, my cycles didn’t return to normal and I was still trying to use my cervical mucus to predict ovulation. I would assume I had ovulated, based on my mucus, and 2 weeks later think I was pregnant only to find out I had never even ovulated in the first place.
PCOS diagnosis
Given the issues I was having with ovulation, I was referred to an endocrinologist and eventually received a PCOS diagnosis. The endocrinologist determined I had hit a personal weight threshold which threw my insulin resistance too far out of whack. For the first time in my life I was having irregular cycles and had no idea when I was ovulating.
With the help of lifestyle changes, I knew how to manage my insulin resistance and balance my hormones. Baby #3 was conceived right away thanks to these changes.
Trying for Baby #4
After weaning baby #3, we started trying for #4 right away. I was successfully managing my insulin resistance and my hormones were balanced but I wanted to know more about my ovulation. I wanted a way where I could confirm it each month so that a later period would be exciting and not stressful. I wasn’t using any other methods to predict ovulation, but an online ad got me interested in how I could use Mira to manage my PCOS, predict ovulation, and get pregnant.
Using Mira
The Mira device has been perfect for my situation. I love the fact that I know exactly when ovulation has occurred so I know exactly when to expect a period. I no longer have to wonder and hope because I can see the data. Even though I was effectively managing my PCOS and balancing my hormones, it’s still nice to see the numbers match up.
After 5 cycles, each with confirmed ovulation, baby #4 is on the way! It took more cycles this time than with my other 3, but knowing everything was balanced actually made the whole process less stressful. In fact, this has been the least stressful one for us because we knew everything was fine from the data and we could see the numbers and trends.
Advice for others
Don’t give up and don’t blame yourself. It’s easy to think you’re doing something wrong but sometimes things just don’t line up. Mira has been a huge help in taking the stress out of TTC. We are all on different journeys so it can be hard not to compare yours to others, but keep going and don’t give up!