Three Cycles of Patience Birthed One Triumph
This describes a Mira customer’s personal experience and/or was sourced from a review or interview. Mira cannot guarantee the same results for everyone. Results will depend on each individual’s health conditions. Mira is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases. Please consult with your doctor.

After years on birth control, I was frustrated to learn that it took three cycles before I ovulated. Little did I know, Mira would turn this frustration into joy by helping me conceive on our first try. Here’s my story of how Mira made a dream come true.
We needed time to regulate
My husband and I decided it was time to start a family, but after spending years on birth control, my hormones needed time to regulate. We waited two months before actively trying to conceive, but it was disheartening when I realized I wasn’t ovulating immediately.
The Added Stress
Initially, I didn’t use any other specific products besides trying to monitor my cycle naturally. However, my lack of ovulation and the uncertainty surrounding my fertile window made the process more stressful than I anticipated.
An Accurate Approach
While searching for a more accurate way to track my fertility, I stumbled upon Mira. The idea of having precise insights into my hormonal fluctuations and knowing exactly when I was ovulating seemed like the perfect solution.
Confidence from Mira’s Tracking Capability
Mira was nothing short of a miracle for me. It gave me the exact information I needed about my fertility window, and to our delight, I got pregnant on our first try using Mira. The app and its tracking capabilities provided clarity and confidence that I couldn’t find elsewhere. Seeing my hormone levels and understanding my cycle better made all the difference.

This is for Others
To anyone struggling with their fertility journey, I want to say: stay patient and keep faith. Understanding your body is key, and tools like Mira can provide the insights you need to turn your hopes into reality. Don’t get discouraged by initial setbacks; with the right tools and knowledge, your dream is within reach.
Thank you for reading my story. I hope it brings encouragement and inspiration to others on their path to parenthood.