"Within 2 cycles of purchasing Mira, I was able to conceive"
This describes a Mira customer’s personal experience and/or was sourced from a review or interview. Mira cannot guarantee the same results for everyone. Results will depend on each individual’s health conditions. Mira is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases. Please consult with your doctor.
Tina is a 33-year-old stay at home mom to a 2-year-old. She knew that she wanted to conceive another child and with her husband being in the military timing was very important to them. Since there were no issues conceiving her first child Tina felt their attempt at conceiving would also be straightforward with no issues the second time around.
Though she had no issues with conceiving the first time around she decided to use ovulation predictor kits to aid in making their attempt to conceive more accurate and precise.
Unfortunately, they tried to conceive for 4 cycles with no luck. Within 2 cycles of purchasing Mira, Tina was able to conceive. Tina felt Mira believes Mira was key in her conceiving so quickly with their leading-edge technology that precisely allows women to closely monitor their hormones level from the comfort of their own home.
Challenges Tina Faced Using Traditional Methods To Conceive
After spending 4 cycles trying to conceive, Tina knew that it was time to consider other options. As a young healthy 33-year-old woman, she knew there was very little a doctor would be willing to do until she had been trying to conceive for over a year.
Tina knew that she was ovulating, she just needed to know exactly when it was happening. While shopping the market for other options, she considered products that monitored her body basal temperature. However, she knew that not only she wanted a more accurate measurement but she wondered whether or not unexpected illnesses that caused a fever could affect her results as a result monitoring body basal temperature was not for her. Digital Ovulation Predictor kits were also pricey and were not reusable compared to the Mira Fertility system. After researching her options, Mira was the best choice for her.
Mira Fertility System
Mira is FDA and CE registered health monitoring system with a 99% accuracy rating. Mira tracks the user’s actual fertility hormone that is unique to them. By tracking the hormones that let users know when they’re fertile and infertile it helps women desiring to become pregnant find their ovulation quicker and accurately compared to traditional ways of testing for ovulation.
With traditional methods such as BBT(Body Basal Temping), OPK(Ovulation Predictor Kits problems like false positives and hard to read lines are common occurrences for many women making it easy to miss ovulation. Temping can become overwhelming with making sure to record at the right time. The Mira Fertility system takes all the guesswork out of tracking your period and hormone levels.
Tina’s Experience With The Mira Fertility
From purchasing to shipping, Tina expressed the experience could not have gone any better. The fertility system was straight-forward and easy to use. One of her favorite features from the Mira Fertility was that she could check her Luteinizing Hormone levels and continue on with her day.
With the traditional ovulation prediction kits, she found herself having to test as early as the day after her period ended due to the inconsistency of her results. She also found herself having to test multiple times a day trying to determine which result was her peak. With the Mira Fertility System, she knew she could insert the wand and carry on with her day, even if she forgot to check it immediately she knew that she could come back at any time throughout the day to insert the wand and get her reading. Within 2 cycles of using The Mira Fertility System Tina successfully conceived. She says this is a product she would recommend to anyone looking for a more precise way to monitor their hormones levels when it comes to conceiving.