Mira Balance Wands*

Irregular cortisol levels may be associated with adrenal gland issues that affect your fertility, hormones, perimenopause symptoms and general health.

Measure your cortisol levels from home using the Mira Balance Wands, via the Mira Analyzer. Get numerical results & charts about your cortisol levels and understand how it's affecting your body.

  • Find out if cortisol is affecting your fertility
  • Reduce menopause symptoms by regulating your cortisol levels
  • Know if your cortisol levels are affecting your weight, sleep, and other health areas

The Mira Balance Wands are perfect for you if:

  • You’ve been trying to get pregnant for longer than expected
  • Your cycles are irregular
  • You are in perimenopause, and your symptoms are difficult to control
  • You experience severe PMS, and it is affecting your daily life
  • You experience various symptoms of hormonal imbalance

Measure your cortisol if you have symptoms of hormonal imbalance

  • Weight gain
  • Acne and other skin issues
  • Excessive hair growth on your face and body
  • Hot flashes and night sweats
  • Constant headaches
  • Constant fatigue
  • Low libido
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Easily bruised
  • Irritability
  • Severe mood swings

How to use the Mira Balance Wands

Test twice a day

1. Around 6-8 a.m.
2. After 4 p.m.

Test after your period ends

Cortisol tends to rise several days before and during your period.

Test 3-5 days in a row

To know if your levels are constantly higher, lower, or in the average range.

Test for at least 2 cycles

To see your patterns.

*This website page was designed for marketing research purposes and does not intend to sell the product listed. This product is not registered or approved by the FDA. Mira is not developing this product now.