From unexplained infertility and multiple miscarriages to pregnant - how Alexia used Mira to reach her goals
This describes a Mira customer’s personal experience and/or was sourced from a review or interview. Mira cannot guarantee the same results for everyone. Results will depend on each individual’s health conditions. Mira is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases. Please consult with your doctor.

“Getting pregnant is supposed to be easy right? That’s what my husband and I thought too, but after 8 years of unexplained infertility, trying to conceive was anything but easy. I bought Mira out of desperation and expected it to be like all of the other countless fertility gadgets and gimmicks we had tried. A small part of me still held out hope and I’m so glad I did. Mira has been a game changer for us and after 8 years of trying, we are finally pregnant. This is my story of how I used Mira to help me learn more about my body and ultimately get pregnant.”
My history
“In my late teen years I was diagnosed with PCOS and have struggled with hormonal imbalance. Obviously this can create a whole host of symptoms to deal with, but I never expected that trying to get pregnant would be one of them. Since getting married I have struggled with irregular cycles and never really knew when I ovulated. It’s been a constant struggle and I never expected that learning about my body would be this hard.”
Trying to get pregnant
“My husband and I always knew we wanted kids so we began trying right away after getting married. Like a lot of people, we expected it to be easy. It’s what your body is meant to do so we thought it would just be a matter of time before our efforts would pay off. We were expecting to be able to get pregnant and stay pregnant, but unfortunately, it didn’t work out that way.
Over the past 8 years, I have fallen pregnant 4 times. Each pregnancy has ended in miscarriage. I knew my body was capable of getting pregnant but a piece of the puzzle was still missing. After multiple lab tests and rounds of medical appointments, I was diagnosed with unexplained infertility on top of PCOS and hormonal imbalance. To stimulate ovulation, my doctor put me on Letrozole – a fertility treatment specifically designed for those with issues ovulating. It’s often the first step in fertility treatments, before undergoing more invasive (and expensive) treatments.”
Finding Mira
“Over the years we have used multiple gadgets and gimmicks to try and get pregnant. I’ve tried numerous different OPKs, all without much success. I saw an ad for Mira on Facebook and had seen reviews floating around on TikTok. This led me to read many more reviews and testimonials about how the device had worked for others. In all honesty, I had been let down so many times that I didn’t have much hope this device would work.
Boy was I wrong! With Mira I was able to track LH, E3G, PdG, and FSH and see my unique hormonal curve. Mira has not only helped me get pregnant, but helped me understand my body better.

Hormones were always a mystery but now I can see how they work in relation to one another and what my personal hormone curve looks like. I was able to pinpoint my ovulation even while being on medication to help stimulate ovulation. It took 9 months of dedicated tracking and testing, but we were finally able to successfully conceive with Mira.”
Advice to others
“Infertility of any kind is a difficult and stressful journey. Don’t give up hope! This is a road no one should have to walk alone. Mira helped me feel proactive and supported throughout this journey. Not only was I able to interact with others in the community and find support, but it also helped with my doctor’s appointments. Doctors don’t always listen to their patients but with Mira I had the data to back it up. I 100% recommend using Mira to anyone struggling or even those just wanting to learn more about their body. Mira was the piece of the puzzle we needed!”