Joy after missed miscarriage: in one cycle, Mira helped Sarah become a mother
This describes a Mira customer’s personal experience and/or was sourced from a review or interview. Mira cannot guarantee the same results for everyone. Results will depend on each individual’s health conditions. Mira is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases. Please consult with your doctor.

“My partner and I have been together for 3 and a half years and decided to start trying for a baby last March. We had a trip to Vegas planned in January for my 30th, so we decided to start trying after that!
My first ovulation was in March and we sadly did not conceive. But we kept trying. April and May came and went and we still hadn’t conceived. Then in June, the news we had been waiting for – I was pregnant! We were over the moon but sadly our joy was short-lived. At a scan in August, we found out our pregnancy had ended in a missed miscarriage. There was no heartbeat.
Trying after loss
After our pregnancy loss in August, we did not know what to do – it was a really tough time. We tried waiting for it to pass naturally, but I ended up going for a scan around 6 weeks later, only to be told there was still product left over from the miscarriage. I decided to have a D&C (a procedure to remove tissue from inside your uterus) at the end of September.
I didnʼt get my first period back until the end of October. At this point, we started using cheap Ovulation Predictor Kits to track my ovulation. They seemed to tell me I was ovulating on day 18 or 19, so we kept trying. That month was unsuccessful, and so were November and December. I remember thinking I was pregnant in December as I had spotting a few days after ovulation and got excited thinking it was ovulation bleeding. It was another disappointment.
Enter Mira
That’s when we decided to give Mira a try. My partner could see how much I wanted to be pregnant and how it not happening was affecting my mood and general happiness, so when he saw an ad for Mira he decided to purchase it straight away! Not only did I hope it would help us conceive but I also just wanted to get to know my hormonal health after so much heartbreak.

In the first cycle we tried Mira, ovulation was confirmed on cycle day 23. 12 days later – I had a positive pregnancy test! We couldn’t believe it! We expected Mira to make it easier to confirm ovulation and ensure my hormones were okay but we never expected to become pregnant the first time trying, but are so glad we did!
Advice for others
I definitely recommend Mira to anyone trying to conceive. Of course, I believe a part of it was luck, but Mira definitely gave us peace of mind in seeing my other hormones rise and confirm ovulation. There are other options out there to help with TTC and fertility issues, but Mira is so convenient and easy to use. I definitely recommend it and have been so pleased with the results!”